Monday, May 28, 2007

Stones of Remembrance

In church last night, I was reminded of the story in Joshua Chapter 4 where the Israelites under the direction of Joshua crossed the Jordan. God told Joshua to have one member of each tribe gather one stone each while the Jordan was still parted. He had them place them in the camp that night. The stones were to remind the people of what God had done. How many times has God done something good, and just a short time later, minutes, hours, days, whatever, but a short time goes by, and you forget what God has done for you. I know I have. God has been SO good to me, but how soon I forget. I need to be reminded. I know that God allows things to happen in my life to make me stronger. He has not abandoned me. He provides my every need. Yes, I have to work for it, he doesn't just drop everything in my lap, although, that has been known to happen. I have to work to eat, but I thank God that he provided a world where I CAN work and earn and eat and even have a little bit of luxury. The fact that I am able to share on a computer over the internet is just one of the many Good things GOD has allowed me to have, it's a luxury. When you think all is lost, remember this, you have come this far, and THIS FAR is too far to quit now. God has not dealt you anything yet in this life that you have not had a way around, through, over or under. You will survive, I will survive. Just don't forget. God is Good, All The Time. It took my pastor to remind me of that. Now I'm reminding you. Every time something good happens, make a note of it, make a mark on a wall, pick up a stone, whatever you have to do to remind you that God will not forsake you, He will bring you through.